Fast-paced class using the format of Hatha Sun Salutation combined with hatha asanas to create a warming and aerobic class, not suitable for first time Yogis and good for cardio, deep backbends
Una clase activa, mas rapida siguiendo el fromato de saludos al sol con variaciones, ideal para una experiencia mas cardiovascular.Una clase activa, mas rapida siguiendo el fromato de saludos al sol con variaciones, ideal para una experiencia mas cardiovascular.
In this class Marilyn offers deep stretches for the legs with many variations; legs apart forward bent, core strengthener flow in Downward Facing Dog and many other surprise sequences. This class is fun and and dynamic.
Ana devotes a class to practice sequences in balancing postures! Discover how you are doing in your balancing flows and learn about your body with true Asanas that will challenge your mind and body.
great class!!! Highly recommended!
Experience 45 min of deep work with the energizing personality of Marilyn, in this class you can find challenge and different variation for strength in downer facing dog, get your self active and working with Marilyns creative flows!