Hatha Yoga
Classes in the 40 minute range

40min Yoga for Upper Body & Hamstrings
40min Yoga for Upper Body & Hamstrings

45min Yin Yang Yoga Full Moon
45min Yin Yang Yoga Full Moon

40min Hatha Yoga
40-minute Hatha yoga with Ana

45min Hatha Yoga with a Focus on Stabilizing
45min Hatha Yoga with a Focus on Stabilizing

40min Pilates Yoga Fusion
40min Pilates Yoga Fusion with Ana

45min Gentle Hatha Yoga with Ana
45min Gentle Hatha Yoga with Ana

45min Hatha Yoga Focussing on Hamstrings
45min Hatha Yoga Focussing on Hamstrings

40min Hatha Yoga with Focus on Legs
40min Hatha Yoga with Focus on Legs

45min Intermediate Hatha Yoga Triangle Flow
A nice 45-minute hatha class with some good triangle poses to help stretch out the sides and spine

40min Intermediate Hatha Yoga – Pigeon Poses BEST OF 2020
A star class! Highly recommended if you like to do Pigeon pose! creative, deep and very helpful to open your hips.

40min Hatha Yoga for Bad Moods – All levels (English)
A very specific class to target meridians such as liver, heart, intestine and gall bladder. A good class to open up when you are not having the best day or are going through strong emotions. Students with problems in knees please be careful

40min Soft Flow Yoga – all levels (English)
This is a perfect class to relax the body with movement, especially when we are sore from too much exercise or just feeling tight and need to heal through movement!

40min Hatha Yoga class (English)
This is a 40-minute class focuses on balancing poses on your feet. The class begins with some flow to warm up the body