Classes 50 minutes or more

55min Pilates Yoga Fusion with Ana
55min Pilates Yoga Fusion with Ana

50min Standing, Balancing Pilates
50min Standing, Balancing Pilates

50min Core Yoga All Levels (bilingual / bilingüe)
Yoga Functional mix with Pilates Perfect class to sculpt your waistline, abs and help with lower back stabilization
Yoga Funcional con mix de Pilates, una clase adecuada para esculpir la cintura, tonificar abdomen y estabilizar espalda baja.

1hr Mat Pilates Functional – all levels (Bilingual)
All level to Intermediate Functional Pilates! challenge your core, balance and strength with this great combination
Una clase de Pilates Funcional ideal para ponerle reto a la fuerza del abdomen, piernas y tonificar brazos y hombros.

1hr Mat Pilates (English)
Mat Pilates with Barre Fusion All levels

1hr Mat Pilates Functional – all levels (Bilingual)
This class offers a full hour of Mat Pilates fusion with barre and Yoga stretches! A very complete practice.
Esta clase ofrece una dinamica fusion entre Pilates, Barre y un poco de Yoga para estirarse
muy completa y con reto

50min Pilates Functional with Wood Pole
Teacher: Ana Paula Hernandez Level: Intermediate / Advanced
A challenging 50-minute class of Pilates with wood ...

1hr Pilates Functional – all levels (English)
Teacher: Ana Paula Hernandez Level: Pilates All Levels
A good one-hour workout with planks and lots of core!

50min Pilates All Levels (English)
Ana leads a faster-paced class designed to build strength, not for beginners!