Hatha Yoga
Classes 50 minutes or more

55min Yoga for Upper Back
55min Yoga for Upper Back

50min Hatha Yoga – bilingual english and español
50min Hatha Yoga - bilingual english and español

1hr Balancing Poses – all levels
1hr Balancing Poses - all levels

1hr Yin Yang Flexibility and Strength
1hr Yin Yang Flexibility and Strength

55min Full Moon Yoga for Calming Emotions (English & Español)
55min Full Moon Yoga for Calming Emotions (English & Español)

1hr Flow Yoga with some Focus on Hips
1hr Flow Yoga with some Focus on Hips

55min Movement Flow Yoga
55min Dance-like Movement Flow Yoga

50min Yin Yang Yoga Flow (bilingual)
50min Yin Yang Yoga Flow (bilingual)

1hr Yoga for Flexibility
1hr Yoga for Flexibility

55min Pilates Yoga Fusion with Ana
55min Pilates Yoga Fusion with Ana

50min Hatha Yoga
50min Hatha Yoga with Ana

1hr Moon Salutations
1hr Moon Salutations with Ana Bilingual

50min Core Yoga All Levels (bilingual / bilingüe)
Yoga Functional mix with Pilates Perfect class to sculpt your waistline, abs and help with lower back stabilization
Yoga Funcional con mix de Pilates, una clase adecuada para esculpir la cintura, tonificar abdomen y estabilizar espalda baja.

1hr Gentle Yoga
1hr Gentle Yoga

50min Hatha Yoga
50min Hatha Yoga

1hr Classic Hatha Yoga with Ana
1hr Classic Hatha Yoga with Ana

55min Hatha Yoga – focus on abs, buns and thighs
A great 55-minute hatha class with focus on abs buns and thighs

50min Yoga for Emotions
This is a class specially designed for emotional release and helpful to feel a bit better if you are going true difficult times, also goos to move energy in your body

1hr Soft Flow Yoga with Ana and Jay
Special guest in the class!! our webmaster Jay!!! my husband with music of Jason Taylor! we enjoyed Soft Flow Yoga together! ideal if you are coming back to your practice.

50min Yin Yoga for Insomnia (Bilingual)
In this class Ana addresses students that might be experiencing problems with insomnia and how some Yin Yoga postures can really help to induce calmness and affect your sleep in a positive way.
En esta Clase Ana ayuda a estudiantes con problemas de insomnia y ansiedad y como algunas posturas de Yin Yoga juntas realmente pueden hacer un cambio grande para ayudarte a dormir mejor y estar mas relajado

50min Hatha Yoga All Levels / Intermediate – Balancing Class (English)
Ana devotes a class to practice sequences in balancing postures! Discover how you are doing in your balancing flows and learn about your body with true Asanas that will challenge your mind and body.
great class!!! Highly recommended!

50min Hatha Flow -Triconasanas all levels (Bilingual)
In this class Ana gets in a warm-up flow to take you into deep sequence with triangles and half-moon, revolved triangle and revolved half-moon

1hr Yin Yang Yoga for Heart & Lung Meridian – All levels- (Bilingual)
A class to work with emotions, lines of the body that get directly affected by uncertainty, vulnerability. Helps with heart and lung meridian and strengthens your immune system. Una clase deinitivamente creada para trabajar con emociones, especialmente con incertidumbre y vulnerabilidad, trabaja a su vez meridiandos del corazon y pulmon y ayuda al sistena inmune

1hr Hatha Yoga for Hips- All levels (English)
Teacher: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: All Levels
In this class Ana provides an entire Hatha Yoga Class with hip ...

1hr Yin Yang Flow – All levels (English)
Teacher: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: All Levels
Yin Yang flow, a cross between Active Hatha Yoga and Yin Yoga. This ...

50min Hatha Yoga for Insomnia (English)
Teacher: Ana Paula Hernandez
Level: Hatha All Levels
This class helps alleviate insomnia, anxiety, and ...

1hr Hatha Yoga All Levels (English)

A 1-hour Warrior Hatha Yoga Class – All Levels (Bilingual)
Ana leads a 1-hour hatha yoga class with classic asanas

1hr Warrior Hatha Yoga todos los niveles / all levels (Bilingual/Bilingüe)
An hour-long class full of classic hatha yoga. Great for a morning practice

1hr Abs Hatha Yoga all levels (bilingüe / bilingual)
A 1-hour hatha yoga class with a nice focus on the abs