A class to work with emotions, lines of the body that get directly affected by uncertainty, vulnerability. Helps with heart and lung meridian and strengthens your immune system. Una clase deinitivamente creada para trabajar con emociones, especialmente con incertidumbre y vulnerabilidad, trabaja a su vez meridiandos del corazon y pulmon y ayuda al sistena inmune
Teacher: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: All Levels In this class Ana provides an entire Hatha Yoga Class with hip openers, working as well in muscles like quadriceps and gluteus. Highly recommended for very active people and with chronic hip tightness 00...
Teacher: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: All Levels Ana has a guest! Welcome to class Jason! a great class to learn variations, and start trying more advance and deep modifications in Asanas! perfectly doable for all levels and you can make it advance if you have a strong...
Teacher: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: All Levels Yin Yang flow, a cross between Active Hatha Yoga and Yin Yoga. This class focusses in deep openers for the shoulders and hips 00...