Classes - 50 Minutes +
50min Fusión Barre-Pilates (Español)
Esta clase combina técnica de Barre. Pilates y entrenamiento funcional, para brindarte control mental y físico. Resistencia y fuerza muscular. Trabajo tren superior brazos y core. Y tren superior cuádriceps, gemelos y facia plantar.
1hr Flow Yoga Intermediate – Deep Flexibility Class
This class is designed for a deep stretching in all your body but with some focus on hamstrings
50min Hatha Flow -Triconasanas all levels (Bilingual)
In this class Ana gets in a warm-up flow to take you into deep sequence with triangles and half-moon, revolved triangle and revolved half-moon
1hr Hatha Yoga Intermediate (English)
In this class we have some fun with new sequences! Great class to increase flexibility in your spine as we do lots of side bending and twisting. It offers great levels of challenge!
Cardio Power Vinyasa Yoga – All Levels (Bilingual)
In this class Oli gives energy! Movement! Cardio! And sweat! Experience Yoga as a powerful way to strengthen and tone your body!
1hr Yin Yang Yoga for Heart & Lung Meridian – All levels- (Bilingual)
A class to work with emotions, lines of the body that get directly affected by uncertainty, vulnerability. Helps with heart and lung meridian and strengthens your immune system. Una clase deinitivamente creada para trabajar con emociones, especialmente con incertidumbre y vulnerabilidad, trabaja a su vez meridiandos del corazon y pulmon y ayuda al sistena inmune
1hr Flow Yoga All Levels/ Intermediate (English)
This class offers fluid movement the entire class, working every chakra in your body and working with pace and movement.
1hr Hatha Yoga for Hips- All levels (English)
Teacher: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: All Levels
In this class Ana provides an entire Hatha Yoga Class with hip ...
1hr Yin Yoga – secuencia en el suelo (Español)
Maestra: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: Yin
Yin Yoga clásica con estiramientos muy profundos la mayoría de la clase es ...
1hr Yoga Flow Intermediate/Advance (English)
Teacher: Marilyn GoderLevel: Intermediate
In this class Marilyn creates a unique flow with tons of deep stretching ...
1hr Cardio Vinyasa Power Yoga (Español)
Maestra: Ana Paula HernandezNivel: Intermediate
Esta clase ofrece un gran reto cardiovascular y de fuerza ya que ...
1hr Fun Vinyasa Flow Intermediate/All levels (Bilingual)
In this class Oil offers fun transitions, movement and her great energy!