1hr Hatha Vinyasa All Levels (Bilingual)
Oli nos comparte 1 hora de Hatha Yoga Fusion con Vinyasa!!
Olis unique and positive energy sharing Hatha Yoga Flow!
Oli nos comparte 1 hora de Hatha Yoga Fusion con Vinyasa!!
Olis unique and positive energy sharing Hatha Yoga Flow!
Enjoy this class with standing flow, hip openers with warming flow in Vinyasa with movement
Creating heat with flow. A nice variation of asanas. Sun salutations, triangles, reverse triangles, some arm balance and some twisting. Have fun! Un mix para todo el cuerpo enfocado en crear calor, moverse y sudar con saludos al sol, triangulos , balances de brazo y torciones.
In this class Oli gives energy! Movement! Cardio! And sweat! Experience Yoga as a powerful way to strengthen and tone your body!
In this class Oil offers fun transitions, movement and her great energy!