A very specific class to target meridians such as liver, heart, intestine and gall bladder. A good class to open up when you are not having the best day or are going through strong emotions. Students with problems in knees please be careful
This is a perfect class to relax the body with movement, especially when we are sore from too much exercise or just feeling tight and need to heal through movement!
In this class you can find lots of fun ways to do backbends, definitely a class to cultivate strength and offers a moderate level of challenge with also deep stretching for hamstrings.
This class can help relax the body from chronic pain, it will be very helpful for students that suffer from an autoimmune disease such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, pain in joints, and headaches.
In this class Ana facilitates resources with breath, concentration and gentle movement for students with chronic pain in their bodies. Maybe pain from an old injury, and inflammatory process or and autoimmune disease! A very friendly class for the body, recommended for anyone who suffers from pain.
Experience 45 min of deep work with the energizing personality of Marilyn, in this class you can find challenge and different variation for strength in downer facing dog, get your self active and working with Marilyns creative flows!