Ana Paula Hernandez - Owner Teacher Drishti Center

All Classes by Ana Paula Hernandez

30min Beginner Yoga

30min Beginner Yoga

Standing sequence postures for Beginners with Alignment cues to learn foundations and strength!
1hr Soft Flow Yoga with Ana and Jay

1hr Soft Flow Yoga with Ana and Jay

Special guest in the class!! our webmaster Jay!!! my husband with music of Jason Taylor! we enjoyed Soft Flow Yoga together! ideal if you are coming back to your practice.
45min Active Vinyasa Flow – All levels

45min Active Vinyasa Flow – All levels

Ana shoots this class from Tierra de Kha! Gorgeous destination in the woods! This is an All levels Vinyasa Flow!
20min Hatha Gentle for Beginners –  for hips.

20min Hatha Gentle for Beginners – for hips.

Ana offers a very basic class for hips, perfectly doable for beginners, all levels and advance students that want to stretch hips
1hr Yin Yoga Gentle (Bilingual)

1hr Yin Yoga Gentle (Bilingual)

Live Class!!! Yin Yoga Gentle bilingual with Ana Get ready to work deep and slow with this incredible Yoga System!! Get to know more of Yin! and how to make it Soft in your body.
30min Cardio Energizing flow Vinyasa (English)

30min Cardio Energizing flow Vinyasa (English)

In this class Ana offers a shorter version of an energizing power flow. Warning, she tries a deep posture preparation for hands! Mayurasana or peacock pose! Fun and different
1hr Mat Pilates Functional – all levels (Bilingual)

1hr Mat Pilates Functional – all levels (Bilingual)

All level to Intermediate Functional Pilates! challenge your core, balance and strength with this great combination Una clase de Pilates Funcional ideal para ponerle reto a la fuerza del abdomen, piernas y tonificar brazos y hombros.
30min Hatha Yoga – all levels – (Bilingual)

30min Hatha Yoga – all levels – (Bilingual)

Warm up with Yoga! A friendly active flow with standing poses, sun salutations, warriors and of course challenge with balancing sequences
20min Yin Gentle Yoga for Hips (English)

20min Yin Gentle Yoga for Hips (English)

Very friendly basic class for hips! A great entry-level Yin and gentle yoga class to help with tight hips
40min Pilates Yoga Fusion – All Levels (English)

40min Pilates Yoga Fusion – All Levels (English)

A great combination of standing Barre Pilates, and Yoga stretches! Push-up flows and core!
30min Gentle Yoga (English)

30min Gentle Yoga (English)

Ana's signature class! A soft combination of Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga and Restorative- ideal for relaxing!