Ana Paula Hernandez - Owner Teacher Drishti Center

All Classes by Ana Paula Hernandez

45min Soft Vinyasa – All levels (Bilingual)

45min Soft Vinyasa – All levels (Bilingual)

In this class Ana flows softly with a Vinyasa Class ideal for all levels from beginner to advanced students (with adaptations) A wide arrange of variations from easy, intermediate and advanced. una clase bilingue donde Ana hace una secuencia suave con movimiento en Vinyasa Yoga, con la flexibilidad de adaptacion desde facil, intermedio hasta avanzado
40min Hatha Yoga for Bad Moods – All levels (English)

40min Hatha Yoga for Bad Moods – All levels (English)

A very specific class to target meridians such as liver, heart, intestine and gall bladder. A good class to open up when you are not having the best day or are going through strong emotions. Students with problems in knees please be careful
1hr Flow Yoga (English)

1hr Flow Yoga (English)

Very emotional last class of Ana in Drishti walls, she says bye to Drishti with a soft Flow Yoga class!!
30min Gentle Yin for your back in your back (Bilingual)

30min Gentle Yin for your back in your back (Bilingual)

Yin Yoga Gentle in your back to help your lower back with comfortable Yin poses with long holdings, supper relaxing! Yin Yoga Gentil en tu espalda! para ayudar a relajar tu espalda! una clase muy relajante y comoda para descansar el cuerpo sosteniendo posturas por largo tiempo.
50min Yin Yoga for Insomnia (Bilingual)

50min Yin Yoga for Insomnia (Bilingual)

In this class Ana addresses students that might be experiencing problems with insomnia and how some Yin Yoga postures can really help to induce calmness and affect your sleep in a positive way. En esta Clase Ana ayuda a estudiantes con problemas de insomnia y ansiedad y como algunas posturas de Yin Yoga juntas realmente pueden hacer un cambio grande para ayudarte a dormir mejor y estar mas relajado
40min Soft Flow Yoga – all levels (English)

40min Soft Flow Yoga – all levels (English)

This is a perfect class to relax the body with movement, especially when we are sore from too much exercise or just feeling tight and need to heal through movement!
20min Yin Yoga para Caderas (Español)

20min Yin Yoga para Caderas (Español)

Una clase muy básica de Yin Yoga clásico para caderas ideal para todo público! Invitado si eres principiante
20min Core Pilates/Yoga fusion on your back – All levels  (English)

20min Core Pilates/Yoga fusion on your back – All levels (English)

Intense 20 min yoga pilates fusion for the abdomen. All the class is on your back, working all deep core muscles and avoiding standing poses.
50min Active Sun Salutation Vinyasa Flow – All levels (bilingual/bilingüe)

50min Active Sun Salutation Vinyasa Flow – All levels (bilingual/bilingüe)

Fast-paced class using the format of Hatha Sun Salutation combined with hatha asanas to create a warming and aerobic class, not suitable for first time Yogis and good for cardio, deep backbends Una clase activa, mas rapida siguiendo el fromato de saludos al sol con variaciones, ideal para una experiencia mas cardiovascular.Una clase activa, mas rapida siguiendo el fromato de saludos al sol con variaciones, ideal para una experiencia mas cardiovascular.
15min Beginner Tutorial- how to do transitions (English)

15min Beginner Tutorial- how to do transitions (English)

A quick session to teach the beginner student how to move between Asanas (yoga poses) with grace and flow. To help you understand how to create a flow between your poses
40min Pain Management with Therapeutic Yoga (English)

40min Pain Management with Therapeutic Yoga (English)

This class can help relax the body from chronic pain, it will be very helpful for students that suffer from an autoimmune disease such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, pain in joints, and headaches.