All Classes by Ana Paula Hernandez

30min Flow Yoga Bilingual
30min Flow Yoga Bilingual with Ana

40min Beginner Level Yoga
40min Beginner Level Yoga

40min Gentle Flow Vinyasa
40min Gentle Flow Vinyasa

20min Gentle Yoga
Ana leads a 20 minute gentle yoga class

30 min Hatha Flow Yoga – all levels (English)
Ana leads a nice 30-minute flow class to get the blood and muscles working

15min Easy Beginners Yoga to Loosen up Lower Back
A quick sequence to promote health in your lower back, this class releases tight backs and eases pain!

50min Core Yoga All Levels (bilingual / bilingüe)
Yoga Functional mix with Pilates Perfect class to sculpt your waistline, abs and help with lower back stabilization
Yoga Funcional con mix de Pilates, una clase adecuada para esculpir la cintura, tonificar abdomen y estabilizar espalda baja.

35min Vinyasa Yoga
35min Vinyasa Yoga

30min Functional Yoga with Pole
30min Functional Yoga with Pole

40min Gentle Yoga with focus on the Spine
40min Gentle Yoga with focus on the Spine

50min Gentle Yoga to Relax your Back
50min Gentle Yoga to Relax your Back

45min Hatha Yoga (Español)
45min Hatha Yoga (Español)