Classes in the 40-minute Range

40min Pilates Yoga Fusion
40min Pilates Yoga Fusion with Ana

45min Gentle Hatha Yoga with Ana
45min Gentle Hatha Yoga with Ana

45min Yoga for your Back and Sciatic
45min Yoga for your Back and Sciatic

45min Vinyasa Flow
45min vinyasa flow yoga with Ana

40min Beginner Level Yoga
40min Beginner Level Yoga

45min Gentle Yoga with a Focus on Hands and Feet
45min Gentle Yoga with a Focus on Hands and Feet

40min Gentle Flow Vinyasa
40min Gentle Flow Vinyasa

40min Vinyasa Yoga
40min Vinyasa Yoga

45min Gentle Active Yoga with (English)
In this class, Lori focuses on the mobilization of the spine, gentle core awakening sequences, and stretching the shoulders.

40min Basic Floor Pilates
40min Floor Pilates

40min Gentle Yoga with focus on the Spine
40min Gentle Yoga with focus on the Spine

45min Hatha Yoga (Español)
45min Hatha Yoga (Español)