Classes - 50 Minutes +
50min Active Power Yoga BEST OF 2020
Oli is back with her very unique style of teaching a balanced classes that offers challenge and at the same time helps you with flexicbility and endurance!
enjoy! great to have you back Oli!
1hr Hatha Yoga todos los niveles (Español)
Una clase para todos los niveles en Espanol puede ser adaptada con variaciones, simples, intermedia y avanzada.
1hr Soft Flow Yoga with Ana and Jay
Special guest in the class!! our webmaster Jay!!! my husband with music of Jason Taylor! we enjoyed Soft Flow Yoga together! ideal if you are coming back to your practice.
1hr Yin Yoga Gentle (Bilingual)
Live Class!!! Yin Yoga Gentle bilingual with Ana
Get ready to work deep and slow with this incredible Yoga System!! Get to know more of Yin! and how to make it Soft in your body.
1hr Flow Yoga (Bilingual)
In this class Oli offers standing poses, side angle, planks, Vinyasa 'A', binding, work and sweat!
1hr Mat Pilates Functional – all levels (Bilingual)
All level to Intermediate Functional Pilates! challenge your core, balance and strength with this great combination
Una clase de Pilates Funcional ideal para ponerle reto a la fuerza del abdomen, piernas y tonificar brazos y hombros.
1hr Power Flow Yoga (Bilingue)
una clase con Oli con retos, movimiento y mucha energia!
ideal si te gusta trabajar mas fuerte y de una manera mas activa para ejercico cardiovascular, aparte de la energia fantastica de Oli.
A class with challenge, movement and lots of energi woth Oli doing flow Vinyasa Yoga! ideal para ejercitarte, sudar y quemar calorias.
1hr Flow Yoga (English)
Very emotional last class of Ana in Drishti walls, she says bye to Drishti with a soft Flow Yoga class!!
1hr Mat Pilates (English)
Mat Pilates with Barre Fusion All levels
50min Yin Yoga for Insomnia (Bilingual)
In this class Ana addresses students that might be experiencing problems with insomnia and how some Yin Yoga postures can really help to induce calmness and affect your sleep in a positive way.
En esta Clase Ana ayuda a estudiantes con problemas de insomnia y ansiedad y como algunas posturas de Yin Yoga juntas realmente pueden hacer un cambio grande para ayudarte a dormir mejor y estar mas relajado
1hr Hatha Vinyasa All Levels (Bilingual)
Oli nos comparte 1 hora de Hatha Yoga Fusion con Vinyasa!!
Olis unique and positive energy sharing Hatha Yoga Flow!
55min Pure Restorative Yoga (English)
Enjoy this hybrid between restorative Yoga with long holdings of Yin Yoga with a very friendly sequence.
You need props or blankets to do this super relaxing class with Jenn