Classes in the 40-minute Range

45min Intermediate Hatha Yoga Triangle Flow
A nice 45-minute hatha class with some good triangle poses to help stretch out the sides and spine

45min Therapeutic Yoga
Lori teaches a class to strengthen your spine and also increase flexibility!
You will need a cushion or folded blanket and blocks

40min Hatha Intermediate
A class that focuses on one leg straight forward bends and very fun variations! ideal to stretch hamstrings and lower back. Bring blanket or cushions

45min Intermediate Hatha Yoga
A great class for balance! Challenge and twisting
Blanket might be needed

40min Yin Yoga
Gentle yin yoga with Ana. A class that will help you with posture and strengthen your back
Props needed!

45min Active Therapeutic Yoga (English)
Lori Offers a moderate good strengthening sequence for the entire body.
get your props ready blocks and blankets.

40min Hatha All levels (English)
Perfect class to relax a stiff back, Marilyn focuses in calm relaxing class with focus in Twisting in the spine

45min Power Yoga for Strength
45-minute power class to help build strength

40min Pilates Functional with Magic Ring!
New is fun!!! Lori shares an amazing class with Magic Ring! if you don't have one you can use your blocks! Thank you Lori super cool class!
You need: Magic Ring or blocks.

40min Hatha Flow Yoga Intermediate
Beautiful afternoon with Marilyn! Experience very challenging moments but always also moments of rest so you can feel balanced with Marilyns super fun sequences.

45min Flow Class (Bilingual)
For the fist time, Oli joins us on location!! Great energetic and creative class! Definitely focuses in cardio, hamstrings and intricate balance! Get your blocks ready, we love your classes Oli!

45min Gentle Yoga for your Shoulders
Get your props and energy ready for this fantastic class with Lori. She focuses on strengthening as well as relaxing our shoulders