Classes - 50 Minutes +

50min Active Sun Salutation Vinyasa Flow – All levels (bilingual/bilingüe)

50min Active Sun Salutation Vinyasa Flow – All levels (bilingual/bilingüe)

Fast-paced class using the format of Hatha Sun Salutation combined with hatha asanas to create a warming and aerobic class, not suitable for first time Yogis and good for cardio, deep backbends Una clase activa, mas rapida siguiendo el fromato de saludos al sol con variaciones, ideal para una experiencia mas cardiovascular.Una clase activa, mas rapida siguiendo el fromato de saludos al sol con variaciones, ideal para una experiencia mas cardiovascular.
50min Hatha Yoga Flow – Intermediate (English)

50min Hatha Yoga Flow – Intermediate (English)

In this class Marilyn offers deep stretches for the legs with many variations; legs apart forward bent, core strengthener flow in Downward Facing Dog and many other surprise sequences. This class is fun and and dynamic.
1hr Beginner Yoga Sun Salutation Tutorial (English)

1hr Beginner Yoga Sun Salutation Tutorial (English)

Tutorial class for people that want to learn all the styles and moves in the flow of Sun Salutations. From the very easy up to Sun Salutation A and B with variations. Highly recommended!
1hr Mat Pilates Functional – all levels  (Bilingual)

1hr Mat Pilates Functional – all levels (Bilingual)

This class offers a full hour of Mat Pilates fusion with barre and Yoga stretches! A very complete practice. Esta clase ofrece una dinamica fusion entre Pilates, Barre y un poco de Yoga para estirarse muy completa y con reto
1hr Warming Vinyasa Flow (Bilingual)

1hr Warming Vinyasa Flow (Bilingual)

Enjoy this class with standing flow, hip openers with warming flow in Vinyasa with movement
50min Warming Cardio Power Yoga – Intermediate (English)

50min Warming Cardio Power Yoga – Intermediate (English)

Ana delivers a powerful intermediate level cardio class perfect to sweat challenge yourself with arm balances. A good class to burn some calories.
50min Hatha Yoga All Levels / Intermediate – Balancing Class (English)

50min Hatha Yoga All Levels / Intermediate – Balancing Class (English)

Ana devotes a class to practice sequences in balancing postures! Discover how you are doing in your balancing flows and learn about your body with true Asanas that will challenge your mind and body. great class!!! Highly recommended!
1hr  Restorative  and Nidra Yoga with Jenn- English

1hr Restorative and Nidra Yoga with Jenn- English

Experience this wonderful class, hybrid between Restorative and Nidra Yoga! Wonderfull class to relax and reflect.
50 min Active Therapeutic –  Yoga for Healthy Legs (English)

50 min Active Therapeutic – Yoga for Healthy Legs (English)

In this class Ana focuses on a poses that stretch the entire lower body: quadriceps, hamstrings, IT band, Gluteus, and calves . Highly recommended for people that have chronic tightness in the legs, very active runners, walkers and hikers and for those with sore knees.
50min Fusión Barre-Pilates (Español)

50min Fusión Barre-Pilates (Español)

Esta clase combina técnica de Barre. Pilates y entrenamiento funcional, para brindarte control mental y físico. Resistencia y fuerza muscular. Trabajo tren superior brazos y core. Y tren superior cuádriceps, gemelos y facia plantar.
1hr Flow Yoga Intermediate – Deep Flexibility Class

1hr Flow Yoga Intermediate – Deep Flexibility Class

This class is designed for a deep stretching in all your body but with some focus on hamstrings
50min Active Hatha Gentle Class – Twisting and Bending

50min Active Hatha Gentle Class – Twisting and Bending

In this class Lori explores side bends, deep twisting and triangle pose in a gentle way with lots of variations