45min Gentle Active Yoga – great for people over 50
A great gentle yet active yoga class. Targets some common problems for people over 50
A great gentle yet active yoga class. Targets some common problems for people over 50
This class offers an active therapeutic Hatha Yoga class to help with Hip flexibility and also relieve pain for lower back!
A great class from Lori!
A nice 45-minute hatha class with some challenging sequences to get the blood moving
A great combination of standing Barre Pilates, and Yoga stretches! Push-up flows and core!
20 min of restorative with 20 minutes of Nidra with Jenn
In this class Ana flows softly with a Vinyasa Class ideal for all levels from beginner to advanced students (with adaptations) A wide arrange of variations from easy, intermediate and advanced.
una clase bilingue donde Ana hace una secuencia suave con movimiento en Vinyasa Yoga, con la flexibilidad de adaptacion desde facil, intermedio hasta avanzado