Classes in the 30-minute Range
30min Gentle Yin for your back in your back (Bilingual)
Yin Yoga Gentle in your back to help your lower back with comfortable Yin poses with long holdings, supper relaxing!
Yin Yoga Gentil en tu espalda! para ayudar a relajar tu espalda! una clase muy relajante y comoda para descansar el cuerpo sosteniendo posturas por largo tiempo.
30min Restorative Yoga Class with Focus on the Spine (English)
Jenn brings us a great restorative class with a focus on the thoracic spine (upper and mid-back). The joints of the thoracic spine are important to arm movement, bending over, and other movements.
30-min Stretching Class (English)
Marilyn delivers a nice 30 minute stretching class to help stretch out stiffness
30-min Strength and Balance Class, Active Therapeutic (English)
Lori leads a great strength and balance class designed to help strengthen your core. You can use a chair, or the wall, to assist in balancing if needed. You will be on your feet for the entire class.
35min Calm Hatha Yoga for Evenings – All levels (English)
This class can help you achieve a good night sleep Ideal to do in the evenings, includes Hatha Yoga with relaxing postures but also challenge with inversions and long holdings, relaxes nervous system good for every level.
30min Yoga Functional for Strength – Upper Body Flow
An intermediate 30 minute class to sculpt shoulders, arms, tone abs and also create strength in the body to help you progress to more advanced arm balancing.
25min Pilates Functional, Push-up Class (English)
Teacher: Ana Paula Hernandez Level: Pilates, difficult
Enjoy 25 minutes of a hard class with different push-ups ...
25min Beginners Yoga – Side Bends (English)
Using side flexions and counterposes to increase flexibility in the spine, this class helps to open the body in the ribcage area, psoas (lower spine muscle), obliques, and abdominal muscles.
30min Energy Boost (English)
A quick practice for first thing in the morning, or whenever you need to boost your energy. Not recommended before bedtime!
30min Gentle Yoga (English)
Teacher: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: Gentle
A 1/2 hr of delicious class very kind and gentle, simply soft yoga
30min Hatha Yoga all levels for Gluts (English)
Teacher: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: All Levels
Ana offers 30 minutes of Hatha Yoga dedicated to strengthen, tone ...
30min Pilates on your back – All Levels (English)
Teacher: Ana Paula HernandezLevel: All Levels
In this Class Ana focuses on a Session in your back! not easy but ...