Drishti Online Yoga
Latest Classes
35min gentle flow yoga with Ana
25min Gentle Yoga - bilingual
1hr Therapeutic Neck and Shoulders with Lori
50min Yin Yoga with a focus on the gallbladder and liver meridians
30min Hatha yoga (bilingual - English and Español)
1hr Therapeutic for Sciatica and Lower Body Flexibility
50min of yoga ideal for people over 40 years old and up
Vamos a perder 300 con esta serie funcional. Cuerpo completo. Mente y actitud .... feliz arranque de año 2021
This is a Soft Slow Yin Yoga Class, ideal for anxiety, insomnia, restful and full of variations suitable for Beginners and advanced Yinsters
Se sugiere ver la explicacion previamente antes de timar la clase si nunca has hecho Yin Yoga, una secuencia suave y gentil ideal para ayudarte con ansiedad, insomnio y llena de variaciones para Principiantes y para Yinsters con experiencia!
Bringing this class that we did back in Easter!
Bring all your props! ready to get spoiled with a Yummy class!
relax and enjoy.
Oli is back with her very unique style of teaching a balanced classes that offers challenge and at the same time helps you with flexicbility and endurance!
enjoy! great to have you back Oli!
A star class! Highly recommended if you like to do Pigeon pose! creative, deep and very helpful to open your hips.